Our company offers a special service known as progressive delivery, which is designed to facilitate the management of any papers that are very large and/or complex. This generally means papers that are 20 pages long (typed in double-spacing) or 10 pages long (typed in single-spacing).
How drafts are delivered*:
This special service only costs +15% of the total price of the order.
* Should a customer wish to receive their order by a different means, we can work out personalized plan according to their wishes and the peculiarities of their order. In these cases, customers are advised to discuss the details with the person who is responsible for managing their order.
Summaries are an additional service we offer. This means receiving an entire paper briefly summarized on a one 300-word page showing the paper’s key points. Summaries are recommended for anyone who may have to do a live presentation on the topic they have been researching.
Our draft service enables customers to receive their orders in 1-page draft form (e.g., a 300-word draft in double-spacing or a 600-word draft in single-spacing) once 50% of the order’s deadline has expired. So, for example, in the case of an order with a deadline of 4 days, we will send your draft when 2 days have expired.
We guarantee to revise any paper you receive from us provided we receive your request within 48 hours after delivery. An extended revision prolongs the time for revision for up to a fortnight – 14 days!